About Us


What We Do.

The SRS Community Reuse Organization (SRSCRO) is a 501(c)(3) private non-profit organization charged with developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy to diversify the economy around the Savannah River Site.

We work to make the best use of excess and operating resources of the Savannah River Site for the economic well-being of the surrounding area. Along with this we develop and implement a regional economic plan utilizing the technology-based facilities at this site, while supporting new business ventures that create new jobs in the region.

We are organized exclusively to provide leadership for promoting the common economic interests and benefits of the residents, businesses and industries and to stabilize the economy with balanced growth throughout the service area by assisting:

  • In obtaining maximum utilization of other physical and human resources at the Savannah River Site and other regional facilities and institutions through existing and new programs
  • In expanding existing businesses and industries, and
  • Local economic development entities in recruiting new companies to locate in the service area,

while protecting the existing quality of life in the service and neighboring areas through economic growth and creation of job opportunities.



Our Region

We are located in the rapidly growing Southeast.

The region we serve is in Georgia and South Carolina around the Savannah River Site. In Georgia, it includes Richmond and Columbia counties. In South Carolina, the counties included are Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell counties.



Our Goals

  • Engage

We promote the SRSCRO Region as a world leader in energy alternatives, including hydrogen, nuclear and bio-technology and are an advocate for other cutting edge technology that stems out of SRS programs, including NNSA enduring missions, spent fuel management and other initiatives.

  • Advocate

We advocate new missions for the Savannah River Site. The collective influence of SRSCRO members and the resources they represent are leveraged to attract new long-term missions and jobs to the Savannah River Site.

  • Educate

We educate and inform the community at-large concerning Federal energy initiatives that fit SRS capabilities and expertise, to generate and communicate broad-based community support for these initiatives.
