The DOE surplus property and equipment from the Savannah River Site is first made available at very reasonable prices to organizations which are creating jobs and/or supporting economic development in our region. Recipients can be local governments, non-profit organizations, or businesses.
If your organization is located in the Georgia counties of Columbia or Richmond, or the South Carolina counties of Aiken, Allendale or Barnwell, and is interested in acquiring property, please follow the procedure below to acquire property.

Current Property Listings
As the Department of Energy’s designated Community Reuse Organization, we are responsible for working with DOE to identify surplus property and equipment from the Savannah River Site and determining how this material may be used for economic development and job creation in the SRSCRO region of Georgia and South Carolina.
If your business or organization is located within the SRSCRO region, and there is an item you’re interested in, please fill out a request form within 30 days of the posting date.

Fill-Out Form
Fill out the appropriate form (Non-profit or Local business). Please make sure to fill out the number of the list where the requested item is found and the Mat ID (the EX-number) of the item.
Send Request
Send form to the SRSCRO office by email (srscro@srscro.org), or mail (520 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, SC 29841).
Request Review
We will review the request and if approved will get the cost estimate for the handling expenses. Then, the client will be contacted to discuss the estimated costs for the request.
Cost Approval
If client approves the costs, the request will go to the DOE Savannah River Site representatives for their approval.
After final approval received, Bolin Marketing Group or the SRSCRO staff will contact the client to arrange pick-up or transportation of the item/s. Due to limited staff, we cannot deliver furniture and most small, low-value items, as these items must be picked-up. For larger items, we work with the client to determine the most economical means of delivery for the client.
Payment for items is made at the time of the release of the items. We accept cash, checks, or credit cards. We add a 3% fee to all credit card sales. Please make checks payable to “SRSCRO”.
BMG Storage Warehouses
1321 Technology Dr #101
Barnwell, SC 29812
641 Gardner Blvd
Holly Hill, SC 29059
Download Forms
Please choose the worksheet to download for your needs.