Get to Know Nuclear National Nuclear Science Week

January 23 - 27, 2012

January 23 – 27, 2012,
is National Nuclear Science Week

During National Nuclear Science Week educators and employers will participate in a national recognition of how human knowledge has harnessed the energy of nature’s most fundamental component — the atom — to the service and progress of our communities and world. With the theme “Get to Know Nuclear,” activities during the week are intended to advance awareness of the key benefits and to recognize the professionals who work in it every day.


National Activities

Secretary of Energy Steven Chusays National Nuclear Science Weekis an opportunity for educators, industry and citizens across our country to speak out about the critical value of nuclear science to our energy future, competitiveness and economic security.

Join LIVE talks for Students and Teachers

National experts are gathering at the Illinois Institute of Technology on January 25, 2012 to talk nuclear. The webinar event is designed for grades 5-12. The topics covered are: electricity production, basics in nuclear science, nuclear medicine and an overview of the future of nuclear in the U.S.

Register for the webinar at the NSTA Learning Center.

Local Activites

The SRS Community Reuse Organizationand its affiliated Nuclear Workforce Initiative are sponsoring this year’s observance of National Nuclear Science Week in our two-state region of South Carolina and Georgia.

Colorful posterswith facts about nuclear energy are being distributed for display in schools and workplaces throughout the region. A four-page insertwill be included in area newspapers on Sunday, January 22.

Educators and employers are also authoring opinion articles for publication in newspapers highlighting National Nuclear Science Week, careers in nuclear industry, the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site and other local nuclear presence, including the commercial nuclear power units at nearby Plant Vogtle.



MicroCareerBursts are interactive job shadows that allow students to experience careers that may not otherwise be easily accessible. These tools help students learn about jobs in the 16 national career clusters and help students make a connection between school subjects and what they can do in the real world. See highlights from interactive MicroCareerBursts about Nuclear Medicine and Nuclear Technician careers:

Look for four new nuclear MicroCareerBursts when they are available in 2012. These interactive tools are sponsored by the SRSCRO and will highlight Nuclear Technicians, Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Construction and Nuclear Technology Research. They will be available through the SC Personal Pathways to Success program and also through the SRSCRO website.



Nuclear Technology is amazing! This new animation is suitable for elementary and middle school aged students. It provides an informative overview of the nuclear industry and uses of nuclear technology. Teachers can use this entertaining animation to prompt discussion on many nuclear and stem (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) topics.



During National Nuclear Science Week, a Savannah River Site (SRS) Community Leaders Forum was held to communicate the many organizations and functions of the Savannah River Site. Managers from eight companies at the SRS participated in the event: Dr. David Moody (DOE-SR), Dwayne Wilson (SRNS), Kelly Trice (Shaw Areva MOX), Dr. Terry Michalske (SRNL), Dave Olson (SRR), Ken Chacey (Ameresco), Roy Schepens (Parsons), and Doug Dearolph (NNSA-SR)

Forum Presentations:


For more information about

Nuclear Science Week,

contact Mindy Mets, Director of Regional Workforce Programs at [email protected] or Kim Saxon, Assistant Coordinator, at [email protected]

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